DVM Professional Program Courses

DVM Professional program courses, led by the Department of Comparative, Diagnostic and Population Medicine (CDPM), cover a wide range of research areas, including microbiology and parasitology, pathology, forensic medicine, anesthesiology, integrative and mobility medicine, and zoological medicine. The course structure is arranged in phases:

  • Phase I (first-year) is designed to build a foundation in the basic sciences. Students also begin the four-semester experiential course in Supervised Patient Care and Clinical Skills in the newly built Clinical Techniques Laboratory.
  • Phase II (second-year) builds on the foundations acquired in Phase I, while introducing students to the complexities of treating and diagnosing common and unique aliments found in all species in veterinary medicine. Students explore all organ systems and their functions in Phases I and II.
  • Phase III occupies the third and fourth years of the curriculum (Semesters 5-9), and consists of advanced core and elective courses and clinical clerkships. Students begin their clinical rotations in our Small and Large Animal Hospitals the summer after completing Phase II.