All Posts by

Debra Krawczykiewicz

CVM graduate students in CDPM and ID&I were honored at the International Student Achievement Awards, on Tuesday, November 19.

The 30th Annual International Student Achievement Awards …CONGRATULATIONS! Graduate students pictured from left to right are: Chaitanya Gottapu (CDPM), Na Sun (ID&I), and Roshen Neelawala (CDPM). The International Student Achievement Awards Ceremony is sponsored by the University of Florida International Center and is celebrated yearly during UF’s International Education…

Annual UFCVM Holiday Food Drive …

CDPM you did AMAZING! You filled up our bin not once, not twice, but THREE times so far. Thank you for being so generous… Our Annual UFCVM Holiday Food drive has officially started our annual holiday food drive to support the local Bread of the Mighty Food Bank, a…